Posts tagged vision
Photography is sharing

These days, there are so many ways to share our images - our cameras now prompt us to upload our photographs to Facebook, Flickr, Twitter.... and so we might forget the conversation and relationship that is prompted by a less virtual experience of sharing photographs.

I've been working with Global Generation, a Kings Cross-based charity that is rethinking what cities can be. Young people, the 'Generators' are being supported and trained to inspire others to create a new and sustainable future. Finding new and interesting ways to express the vision for their work is critical - and, rather than a typically corporate 'mission statement', the Global Generation vision is a living, ongoing conversation that is regularly revisted and re-interpreted.  

While the generators use social media extensively to share their work, here are Patrick and Kara using digital images, taken themselves during a field trip, as a prompt to express the values and relevance around what a tricky concept like sustainability means to them.  In this kind of participative photography, the quality of the image takes a backseat to the quality of conversation and relationship that the image provokes.

Many organisations issue a vision and then expect people to have a conversation about it - but that's the wrong way round.

It's our shared conversations, in moments like this, that show us the shared possibility of our vision.